The Trunk of the Oak
The leaves of the tall Oak whistle as the strong winds buffet
branches small and large.
Dark storm clouds swallow the horizon and envelop the tree in
a surging gale.
Portions of the Oak bend and groan, straining against the
fury of the storm.
Leaves ripped from the small branches cloud the sky like a
swarm of lost green birds.
The wind strengthens and presses against the tree until it
bends in retreat.
Branches break and fly into the distance carried by raging
streams of air.
Stout branches crack and break in half, exposing the core of
the Oak.
But the trunk of the tree is strong with roots going deep
into the earth.
The Oak rights itself time and time again, fighting to
maintain its long-held place.
The winds lesson as the storm takes its fight to other parts
of the forest.
The tall tree stands proud despite its damaged limbs.
New growth will thicken the mighty oak and ready it for the
next onslaught of nature.
Water from the ground runs up the mighty trunk, feeding great
limbs to tiny leaves.
Sunlight hastens the re-growth of the Oak, helping it reach further
into the sky.