Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Unholy Embrace- a fight to the death with a pack of werewolves

 Frank describes an encounter with werewolves of the worst kind.

When Nessa ran at the werewolf charging her, they collided and fell to the ground.

The creature staggered from the impact, and she grabbed it by the throat with both hands. It thrust its jaw out, trying to bite her face with its large canines.

She pushed its head back until the creature couldn't reach her with its mouth.

The werewolf grabbed at her arms to no avail as she tightened her grip until she broke its neck. Nessa pushed the werewolf to the ground, stood over it, and snarled. The moonlight revealed blood dripping from her fangs.

I scanned the area to check for more werewolves. Seeing none, I took a deep breath and realized my shirt was wet. When I put my hand to my chest, I felt the warm, clotting fluid mingled with tufts of hair. I was glad my stomach was empty when I gagged. I started to speak to Nessa when I saw her turn and walk toward the other side of the building. I went around the car, following a step behind but parallel to her.

A cloud covering the moon prevented me from seeing what caught her attention. When the cloud passed, the moonlight revealed a huge, heavily muscled werewolf, seven feet tall. The creature growled, revealing three-inch-long, curved canines that came to sharp points. The enraged werewolf was the alpha male......

Unholy Embrace is a swift-paced, action-packed novel about the relationship between a mortal man and his immortal female vampire lover as they fight werewolves, vampires, and other creatures in their effort to kill a soul-eating demon.

If this sounds interesting, and I hope it does, please follow the link and read the reviews on Amazon.

Unholy Embrace Available on Amazon

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Unholy Embrace - Nessa the vampire battles and immortal demon

Frank, deceived by the demon, opens the door and all hell breaks loose.

“Frank, I told you not to unlock the door,” Nessa said.

When the demon turned to face her, she reached inside her pocket and withdrew gold powder she threw at it. The demon put its hands in front of its face and shook its head. Nessa threw more powder on the creature and chanted in Latin. The Huli Jing was unable to move, and smoke came off its body and arms. She threw more powder on the demon while she continued chanting. The demon, covered in the fine gold powder, hunched its shoulders while contracting into a tighter mass. As it did so, the smoke continued to increase.

Nessa pulled a silver dagger out of her coat and stabbed the demon in the chest. It emitted a loud, “Hhhhcccchhh,” sound. Greenish fluid flowed down its chest, but the hole made by the knife closed up.

She stabbed at it again. This time the demon grabbed the end of the dagger, broke it off, and tossed it away. Nessa clenched her fist.

The Huli Jing shook its body. Some fine gold powder flew into the air, and smoke coming off it decreased. The demon became brighter and brighter until it was almost impossible to look at. The creature hissed at Nessa, and she bared her fangs and snarled.

Her knees buckled, and she pulled her cape over her head. The light created by the demon intensified, and Nessa fell backward into what remained of the doorway. The demon struggled to move towards her, hindered by the remaining golden dust on it.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Unholy Embrace Review by Harriet Klausner

Review of Unholy Embrace by Harriet Klausner

Unholy Embrace-Neil Benson

Human Frank Thornton and vampire Nessa Harcanu hold hands as they walk together at night in Manhattan. He knows his beloved is a centuries old vampire, but has not witnessed at all what that means until this evening. Werewolves attack them, but Nessa overpowers them; shaking Frank with her abilities.

They met three weeks earlier with both attracted at first sight. Now he needs to know why the assault. Nessa honestly thinks a serial killing demon she hunts sent the horde. He thinks about leaving her, but cannot as he loves her though he wonders if she is using her vampiric enchantress skills to manipulate his desires. Still Frank tells her he cannot convert, but wants to be with her. She explains the demon is not her worst nightmare. Her sire, who she killed back in 1627 after he converted her and sucked dry her husband, left behind a raging predator the “widow” Narice who wants to destroy her for killing the Master; Frank is her Achilles Heel.
This is an exhilarating urban fantasy filled with demons, werewolves and vampires; oh, my! Frank is a terrific human who feels as if he fell through the rabbit hole when he fell in love while Nessa is an honest vampiress who tells him the truth. Although there is too much going on with the lead couple as the demon hunters and as the Narice hunted, sub-genre fans will enjoy this tale of blood and romance flowing on the streets of Manhattan.

Harriet Klausner (Major reviewer on Amazon)
Unholy Embrace Available on Amazon

Friday, February 1, 2019

Excerpt from Unholy Embrace - - A Meeting with the Vampire in Central Park

Frank finds out that walking in Central Park at night can be dangerous.
In the hours after midnight during the week, there were few people on the street. My main concern was the police stopping me for an extended interrogation while I tried to convince them that I was a harmless but eccentric person who walked late at night in a dangerous area. The three-quarter moon on a cloudless night made it difficult for anyone to sneak up on me. I walked into the park at Eighty-Second Street but decided this was a foolish risk. I turned around and found Viscount D’Alessio standing ten feet in front of me. The hairs on the back of my neck rose. My body froze, and my heart beat against my chest.
“Fancy meeting you here.” His malicious smile made me shiver.
“What do you want?” My voice cracked. I felt perspiration forming on my forehead.
“An opportunity to chat with you, become better acquainted.” His smile widened, making his teeth more obvious, as he stepped toward me. I looked around and saw no one. I turned and ran, but I hadn’t gone ten strides when I found him in front of me.
“Running won’t do any good, and your precious little tart isn’t here to rescue you.” Before I could take a step, he grabbed my throat and lifted me off the ground. “It’s time to have the dinner I promised myself the last time we met.”
As the viscount started to pull me into the bushes, a voice shouted, “Stop! Police!  Remain where you are.”
A large man walked toward us. He held a police shield in his left hand. With his right, he pointed a pistol at us.
“What a bother.” The viscount tossed me into the bushes. “I’ll take care of you next. Make a move and your death will be slow and excruciating.” He raised his hands as he walked toward the officer.
“I told you to stop. If you take another step, I’ll fire.”
Stunned and scratched but not hurt, I pulled myself out of the bush and stayed out of the line of fire.
“Dinner for two will just be fine,” the viscount muttered. He moved forward, ignoring the pistol pointed at him.
The officer fired a shot at the vampire, but it had no effect.

“Fool,” the viscount said.