"Dark Journeys by Neil Benson is an anthology of dark poetry and short stories. The poems are romantic and chilling. The poems read slower than the short stories as you absorb the subtle nuances and emotions.
The short stories should be read when you're prepared to stay awake listening for the creak of a door and lithe, resolute feet that don't belong...feet hundreds of years old. Will the vampire choose you? Look over your shoulder...tonight.
Here are a few great turns of phrase from the anthology:
"A tall, horrid creature arises, and greets the night with a howl."
"At more than three hundred pounds, he knew he shouldn't eat sugary treats, but his resistance to the temptation was lower than his intelligence."
"His eyes darted about like two small marbles bouncing on an interstate highway."
"They looked like cylindrical silver jewels rather than instruments of death."
If you want to know where these tantalizing tidbits originate, you'll just have to buy Dark Journeys by Neil Benson. Fantasy isn't just for children.
I gave it four stars--I would have liked the stories to drag out the suspense with more details. Vampire lovers will find Dark Journeys to be a fun and spine tingling read."